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How to..

A selection of different How-to articles.

  • How to create a new unit

    Creating new units can only be done at the office installation of TM Master v2. Go to Fleet -> Units and click on the new button in the upper left corner. When creating a new unit, there are two field...

  • How to Edit the Docking Template (applies for versions 2.657 and lower)

    In the Docking module, click the 'Docking' menu bar at the top of the screen (next to File and Help) and then click 'Edit Docking Template'. This will activate the template as the currently selected d...

  • How to delete/scrap a component

    First of all, you need to check if the component has any job history (Open the component and check the job history tab) If the component does not have any job history, you can remove it from TM Master...

  • Import report templates

    We recommend that you back up your reports before overwriting them. The report template files can be found in the [System File Path\Reports] folder. Standard report templates To import the standard TM...

  • Create movable category export file

    Create an export file at office and import to vessel in the following manner: At office side: 1. Go to Ship -> Details - Movable assets (tab) (Make sure the correct vessel is selected) 2. Click on the...

  • Add same document on multiple components

    You can add the same document to multiple components by first adding it to a component in the Documents tab, then copying it to the other components. Right-click the document you have placed in docume...

  • How to change a Unit Code in TM Master V2

    Changing a unit code impacts several important functions in TM Master V2. It's important that you prepare accordingly before making the change. The affected functions are: Order Number and other numbe...