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How to change a Unit Code in TM Master V2

Changing a unit code impacts several important functions in TM Master V2. It's important that you prepare accordingly before making the change. The affected functions are:

Order Number and other number configurations
Usually the vessel code is part of the order number and others (ref list below), after a change of unit code all new orders or other entities listed below will reflect the new unit code. Existing orders and other the number for other entities will remain as they are. This is no technical problem for TM Master V2. This is only a "Cosmetic" effect.
However it might affect result when sorting on the "number" column, as most of the numbers are sorted alfabethically.

  • Order number
  • Defect/Claim number
  • Voyage number
  • Movable asset proforma number
  • Incident Report numbers
  • Order Proforma numbers
  • Failure report numbers
  • Inspection numbers
  • Observation numbers

Each unit has an alternative ship code ([Fleet]- [Units] - Double click a unit - "Settings" tab). This alternative code can be used as an alternative to the Unit Code in the order number format. If you wish to keep the "old" code in the order number, the old unit code can be entered  in the "Alternative unit code" field. (Please make sure the alternative code is not already in use (some integrations may be using it).

Then change the Order No configuration, under [System] -> [Settings] -> [Number Formats] -> "Order No Format", choose "Ship alt. code" as shiptext.

TM Exchange

All replication files (.u2o, .ufo, .o2u, .ofu files) are named using the unit code to identify which vessel they belong to.

All replication file names start with the unit code. This makes it possible for TM Exchange to distribute all the replication files to the correct unit, so the TM Exchange rule for the unit in question must also be corrected. Verify that the TM Exchange rules onboard also are ready for the change.

PS! Make sure the COMM folder does not contain any files with the old unit code, before changing TMX rules.

How to change unit codes and alter the TM Exchange rules.


1. Disable the TM Exchange SEND rule for the Vessel in question.

- This will prevent any new changes to be sent to the unit, if any replication files are produced during this replication you will see them in the COMM folder (at the Office)


2. Stop the Service onboard (see procedure here)

- To prevent any new replication files being produced before the unit code change is completed.

3. Make sure no replication files to the unit are located in the COMM folder or the unit's email account.

(Check that the last sent file to this unit in the office TM Exchange log is received in the unit TM Exchange log.)

(Also make a mental note of the last files sent from the vessel, you will need it in step 6.)

3. Change the TM Exchange SEND/RECEIVE rules onboard

- Start and log on to TM Master V2 using a admin account

- Click [TOOLS] -> [TM Exchange] -> "Rules" tab

- Double click the send rule

- Change the filemask to reflect the code change

- Verify that the receive rule is also correct

4. Change the Vessels Unit Code

- Click [Ship] -> [Details] -> "Settings" tab

- Change the "Unit code"

5. Start the service on the unit

At the Office:

6. Make sure no replication files are located in the COMM folder or the office email account

(Check that the last sent file from this unit in the unit TM Exchange log is received in the office TM Exchange log)

7. Stop the Service in the office (see procedure here)

- To prevent any new replication files to be produced before the unit code change is completed.

8 .Change the TM Exchange SEND/RECEIVE rules at the Office

- Start and log on to TM Master V2 using an admin account

- Click [TOOLS] -> [TM Exchange] -> "Rules" tab

- Double click the send rule

- Change the filemask to reflect the code change

- Verify that the receive rule is also correct

9. Change the Unit Code on the unit

- Click [Ship] -> [Details] -> "Settings" tab

- Change the "Unit code"

10. Start the TM Master V2 Service

Tada! The change is now complete.

If you during or after this change discover any replication files with the old name, you can change the unit code back at the appropriate place, depending on the file type. It is also possible to edit the file name manually replacing the old vessel code with the new. If you are not comfortable doing this we might assist you.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Cato - Product Manager

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
