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How to assign user rights

Assigning user rights can only be done by users that have the required user rights.

The way user rights are set up in TM Master v2 is that there are user groups that each have a specific set of user rights for each module.

We deliver every database with a standard set of user groups which are categorized by the users' crew type. This can be altered and edited any way required by our customers.

How to change user rights for each group: (USER RIGHTS CAN ONLY BE CHANGED BY THE OFFICE)

Go to Administration -> Users groups

Here it is possible to either edit existing user groups by double-clicking on any group, then changing the user right in the opened group window.

You have the modules in the middle window. Select a module here, and the user rights for the selected module will be displayed in the bottom window.

By hovering the mouse pointer over a specific user right, an explanation of that user right will be shown to the right. Just tick on/off any user rights and save to make the changes.

How to connect users to user groups:

Open a user. You will see the different user groups in the user group field in the user window. Just tick the user group you want this user to be connected to.

It is also possible to make Mass-connection of user to one specific user group. Open the user group -> click on the "Users" tab and click the "Add user to this user group button":

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Vedran - TM Support

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
