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How to integrate TM Master v2 with Windows Active Directory

It is possible to integrate TM Master v2 with Windows Active Directory.

There are two ways to integrate TM to Windows AD:

  • Link TM Master user with an AD which will enable Single Sign-On
  • Link TM Master user groups with user groups in AD

How to enable the integration:

Go to System -> Settings -> Integrations -> Windows Active Directory

Link TM user groups with AD user groups:

If you only want to link the user groups in TM and AD together, then just change the User Group AD integration setting to the desired value.

None: Do not use User AD Integration (Connecting Windows AD groups to TM Master user groups)

Local: Activate user group AD Integration (Each installation using its own domain)

Global: Activate user group AD Integration (All installation on the same domain)

When either Local or Global have been selected, you can open up a user group (Administration -> User groups) and a new tab will be shown in the user group window:

Use the button in the top left corner to create links between your AD groups and this user group in TM Master.

Link existing TM Master users with AD users:

If you want to link your existing TM Master users to an AD user and at the same time enable Single Sign-On in TM Master, enable the Windows auto-login setting under System -> Settings -> Integrations -> Windows Active Directory:

Note that this is a local setting and will have to be activate on every installation where you want to use it.

It also requires that the username in TM Master is identical to that in Windows AD.

The first time a TM user logs on after this setting is activated (if his or her’s username is identical in TM and AD) TM will create a link between the TM user and the AD user. This again results in the user being automatically logged in to TM the next time the start TM Master with their AD user.

Auto-create user from AD

It is also possible to auto-create new users in TM from AD. Turn on the setting called “Autocreate user from AD” under System -> Settings -> Integrations -> Windows Active Directory

When this settings is activated, TM Master will automatically create a new TM user the next time a user logs on to TM Master. The new TM user will be given a username that is identical to the AD username.

This is very useful when starting to use TM Master because you will not have to start creating new users in TM Master which you’ve already done in Windows AD.

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

  2. Posted
