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Add same document on multiple components

You can add the same document to multiple components by first adding it to a component in the "Documents" tab, then copying it to the other components.

Right-click the document you have placed in documents and select "Copy file." Then go in to the Documents tab of the next component - right-click and select "Paste File."

When you load files into the Documents tab on a component, they are automatically added to the [System File Path] \ [Unit code] \ Components location.

(You will be able to see the location within the system file path in the "Name" column.)

When copying, the same document will be on all components (just one copy in system file path).

You change the document by opening it from the Documents tab. When you change it for one component, you change it for all component containing this document.

If you remove the document from one of the components (by pressing the red cross), it will still remain on the other components.

Removing the document from all components will delete it from the system file path as you remove it from the last component.

If the document is deleted directly from the system file path, there will be a reference to the document in the documents tab on the components, but if you try to open it, you will receive a "File not found" message.

This should preferably not be done. Documents should be processed inside TMMV2, not directly from system file path.


When you add the document, enter the Description (Description) that this is on multiple components and that any editing of the document will apply to all of these.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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