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How to use TM Defects & Claims ?

The Defects & Claims Overview

There are two versions of the defects & claims overview. If you are using the system onboard you will only have access to one of them. You will find it under [Inventory] ->  [Defects & Claims]. If you are accessing the system using the office version you will in addition also find a “Defects & claims” module under [Fleet] ->[Defects & claims]. Both these modules are divided into one upper and one lower section.

The Upper section of the overview

The upper section gives users an overview of all recorded claims and their current statuses. The Onboard view of this module found under [Inventory] only lists defects & claims, for the selected unit, the one found under [Fleet] lists all claims and defects for all vessels in the fleet. The overview consist of a vertical list of all vessels in fleet, horizontally the different statuses available in the defects & claims workflow. In the intersections between rows and columns, you will see numbers representing the amount of claims\defects for the vessel with the intersecting status.


All newly created claims/defects are saved as drafts until they are approved. So all unapproved claims\defects will be listed in this column


Once a claim\defect has been approved it will be given a number, and moved to the “approved” column. It is now considered “official”


Once the claim has been accepted by the receiver of the claim, it can be “confirmed” which will move it to the “confirmed” column


When the claim\defect has been handled and the processing of it has been completed, it can be “Closed”. Once closed it is moved to the “Closed” column

Expired Reminder

Any claims\defects with a reminder date set will show up in this column on the reminder date. It will remain here until the reminder date is removed or moved into the future again.

The lower section of the overview
The lower section will list defects and claims, with their details, based on the selection made in the upper section.

  • Selecting any of the cells with numbers will list the claims\defects for the vessel on the row with the intersection status.
  • Selecting any of the cells with a vessel (unit) name will list all defects/claims for that particular vessel regardless of status
  • Selecting the lowest cell with the name “Sum” will list all claims\defects regardless of vessel and status.
  • Selecting any of the numbered cells on the sum row, will list all claims\defects with the intersecting status, regardless of vessel

How to add a claim\defect?

Click [Inventory] ->[Defects & Claims]

Click [New] on the left hand side in the top menu

Add your details.

  • Name: This is a short name or short description for the Defect/Claim
  • Defect/Claim No: This field is not editable, once the Defect/claim has been approved it will be populated with a running number.
  • Defect/claim type: Select the appropriate value to classify the defect/claim I.E : Insurance Claim, Yard Claim etc.
  • Defect/claim Priority: Select the appropriate priority rating for the claim
  • Date created: Select the appropriate date, default value is current date, but can be altered if required.
  • Created by: This field is automatically populated by the name of the user creating the claim.
  • Status: This field can’t be altered directly, but will change when the draft claim/defect is approved and closed.
  • Reminder: Selecting a future date in this field will list the defect/claim under the reminder column in the overview.
  • Critical: This tick box can be used to indicate if the defect/claim is considered “critical”
  • Percent done: can be used to indicate progress for the defect/claim. When defect\claim is closed it will automatically be set to “Completed”
  • Supplier: If the defect\claim is directed at a particular supplier or yard, you can link the claim to the corresponding “contact” in your system. Address details regarding the selected contact will appear in the “Address” and “Email” fields below.
  • Address: this field will be auto populated with the address of the selected contact\supplier.
    But it can be edited directly if required or if address is missing.
  • E-mail: This field will default to the “e-mail 1” field on the contact\supplier, however clicking the […] button will allow you to choose any of the other e-mail addresses recorded on the contact\supplier, this also includes any contact persons linked to the contact\supplier.
  • Component: If the defect\claim can be related to a particular component, it is possible to link the claim to it, by clicking the […] button and then selecting the component.
  • Description (sub tab): This free text field allow you to enter a description of the defect\claim.
  • Reason (sub tab): This free text field allow you to enter description of the cause or reason for the defect\claim if known.
  • Action (sub tab): This allows you to add the action taken as a result of the defect\claim.
  • Comments (sub tab): Here any additional comments not belonging in any of the other free text fields can be added.

  • The Events tab serves as a change log, recording when the draft was created, approved etc. It is also possible to add “manual” events to this log. An example of a manual log entry could be if a phone call has been made to the supplier or other relevant people. This allows for the claim\defect to be handed over to other people if required, as a result of a crew change etc.

  • Any relevant documents or images (any file type) can be attached to the claim on the “Documents” tab

  • The order tab will list any orders that have been linked to the claim\defects. To link an order to a defect claim, please look at chapter 3. How to link an order to a claim\defect? in this document

  • Save and Close. You have now created a Draft defect\claim

How to link an order to a claim\defect?

In some cases you may want to link any expenses or orders to your claim to keep track of any costs generated by the claim\defect. Here is how you link an order to a claim.

1) Record your claim as described in item 2 above.

2) Create or open the order you wish to link to your claim.

3) Click the “Claim” sub tab on the order head “General tab”.

4) Click the […] button and select the claim you wish to link the order to.

5) Save and close the order.

6) You will now find the order on the “Order” tab on the claim\defect.

Work flow functions

The following workflow functions are available for a defect\claim.

Add defect\claim

This function is used to create new defects\claims


This function is used to approve a draft defect\claim. Approving a defect\claim will give the defect\claim a running number, and make the claim\defect official

Revoke Approval

If for some reason the claim\defect needs to be reverted to draft mode, the approval can be revoked. This will however not release the running number, as the draft will keep its number.


Once a defect\claim has been accepted by the receiver of the claim it can be marked as “Confirmed”.

FinishWhen the defect\claim has been processed and no further follow up is required the defect\claim may be closed.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Cato - Product Manager

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
