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How to connect the TM Master v2 client to more than one database

Introduction and background:

After connecting a TM Master v2 client to a database using the built in connection tool as described in our Technical Guide, the TM Master v2 client will automatically connect to that database and jump straight to its login upon startup. However there may be cases where you want to connect your TM Master v2 client to more than one database. A typical example is that you want to have a test environment available in addition to the production environment. To achieve this read on:

First some technical background. When you connect the TM Master v2 client to a database using the connection tool, TM Master is storing the connection information in a .xml file in a particular folder on your hard drive (FYI all sensitive information in this file is encrypted and safe). As long as there is only one such connection file in the folder the TM Master v2 client will assume that this is the database you want to log on to and take you straight to its login. If there are no connection files in the folder it will take you to the connection tool. If there are more than one connection file available in the folder it'll take you to a dialog allowing you to choose which database to log on to.

The folder in question is:
%ProgramData%\Tero Marine\TM Master v2

To be able to connect to an additional database after generating the connection to the first, you need to temporarily move the .xml connection file for the first database out of this folder, then start the TM Master v2 client. Since you moved the connection file out this will take you to the connection tool, allowing you to specify a new connection. Once this is done and the connection file is generated, you can move the original connection file back into the folder. Since there are now two connection files in the folder, the TM Master v2 client will now take you to the database selection dialog upon startup.

If you already have more than one database available, you can also create separate TM Master v2 client shortcuts connecting directly to each database by using the "-o" parameter followed by the name of the connection file. Example:

Step by step guide with pictures:

Example of connecting to the first database using the connection tool:

The .xml connection file is now generated in the [%ProgramData%\Tero Marine\TM Master v2] folder:

And starting the TM Master v2 client takes us straight to the login for the "ProductionENV" database:

Close the TM Master v2 client and move the generated .xml connection file out of the [%ProgramData%\Tero Marine\TM Master v2] folder so that it's empty:

Then start the TM Master v2 client and use the connection tool to connect to the second database:

This generates a new .xml connection file in the [%ProgramData%\Tero Marine\TM Master v2] folder:

Move the first .xml connection file back into the [%ProgramData%\Tero Marine\TM Master v2] folder:

Now when starting the TM Master v2 client you will be taken to the database selection dialog:

If you want to add yet more databases to the database selection dialog, simply click the "Create new settings file" button, which takes you to the connection tool.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Thomas - TM Support

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
