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How to..

A selection of different How-to articles.

  • How to - Rule based approval matrix

    See attached file....

  • How to use TM Trend

    How to add a new measurement to a component? Click [Inventory] -> [Component] Double click the component you want to add a measurement to. Click the “Trend analysis” tab.(Fig1 )A Components Trend Anal...

  • How to use SRF

    Standard Reporting Form Where to add templates The SRF templates that are located under Maintenance->SRF. Here you can add local SRF for the specific UNIT you are working on or global (centralized) SR...

  • How to resend orders to Kuehne + Nagel

    The Kuehne + Nagel integration is used by some customers and in some cases where a client is on older versions of TM Master v2, they can experience that orders don't come over to Kuehne + Nagel with a...

  • How to insert new TM license

    Log into TM Master v2 on the database you want to insert the license into, and go to [Help -> Register TmMv2] Then paste the license info that you have received. The button to the right of the Serial ...

  • How to install more than one service on a single (.EXE files) server

    See attached. Note that this only applies if TM Master was installed using the old .exe files. If you have upgraded/installed TM Master using the new .msi files, please see this article...

  • How to use TM Defects & Claims ?

    The Defects & Claims Overview There are two versions of the defects & claims overview. If you are using the system onboard you will only have access to one of them. You will find it under [Inventory] ...

  • How to create and use batch jobs in TM

    What is a Batch Job A Batch Job is a single job that can be connected to many components. It will appear in the due list as a single job. However, signing out this job will add a job history record to...

  • How to reset password for a TM user

    A video which shows the procedure can be found at the bottom of this article Open the user by going to Administration -> Users. Click on the File button (upper left corner) -> Reset password: When the...

  • How to limit file size in TM Master?

    You can limit the maximum replication file size for documents added to TM Master on a per unit basis by going to [Unit (Ship) -> Details -> Settings -> Max size replicated files]: This setting only af...