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TM Service stop/start/restart guide

In certain situations a restart of the TM Service is needed. This can be for example in order to install an update or troubleshoot replication issues. This guide will help you restart the TM Service safely and properly so that you avoid doing potential damage to the database.

The TM Service runs in work loops with a custom sleep timer between each loop. The key to restarting the TM Service safely and properly is to restart it during the sleep phase,  and not during the work loop. Please see below for a step by step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Check that the TMMV2 service is sleeping (via the TM Master V2 replication log under [TMMV2 -> System -> Settings -> Replication -> Service log]). Click “Reload file” to update the log. If the service is working or there is very little sleep time left, please wait until it has finished a work loop and goes back to sleep.

In this case the service will sleep until 20:26:41, so it is safe to stop or restart it
before that time.

2. If the service is sleeping, you can stop or restart it manually. In Windows, click [Start -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> select TmMv2Server -> click on Stop or Restart]

3. Once ready, start the service by clicking Start.

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  1. Thomas - TM Support

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
