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How to use TM Trend

How to add a new measurement to a component?

There are two types of measurements:

(step 4-5)

(step 6-7)

To add a Trend measurement, click the Trend icon This can be found in the top left menu.

(Fig2)Trend measurement settings

  • Enter the trend measurement values.
  • Enter a description, so that all users know what this measurement is measuring.
  • Select a “Unit of measurement” (UOM)
  • The “Sort order“ value lets you create an alternative sort order of your measurements if required.
  • Enter a “Minimum value”. (The minimum value is the lowest value for the X axis in the chart.)
  • Enter a “Max value”. (The maximum value is the highest value for the X axis in the chart.)
  • Enter an “Alarm min. value”. This is the lowest “acceptable” value for this measurement. If a value lower is entered as a reading, the system will ask the user if a corrective action should be created.  The area in the graph view between “Min value” and “Alarm min value” is colored red. (As shown below in fig. 4)
  • Enter an “Alarm max. value.”  This is the highest “acceptable” value for this measurement. If a value higher is entered as a reading, the system will ask the user if a corrective action should be created. The area in the graph view between “Max value” and “Alarm max value” is colored red. (As shown below in fig. 4)
    (Fig 3)An Example of trend measurement settings.

(Fig 4) An example of a trend graph with readings, using the settings displayed in fig 3.

Please note that the graph will be scaled based upon the highest and lowest readings entered, and in some cases you will not be able see the Alarm max and minimum value borders, in the graph.

  • To add a Consumption measure, click on the consumption icon This can be found in the top left menu.

    (Fig 5) Consumption measurement settings.

  • Enter the consumption measurement settings.
    1. Enter a name describing the consumption measurement.
    2. Enter a description of the measurement, so that all users involved will understand what it is supposed to measure.
    3. Select an appropriate unit of measure. (UOM)
    4. If the consumption produces NOX/CO² you can enter the NOX factor, carbon content, and MT conversion. This can be used to calculate your NOX/CO² emissions later on.

Note: Trend & Consumption measurements can also be created directly from the Trend module.  The user is presented with the component structure immediately after clicking the add trend  or the add consumption button

How to Add a reading to a measurement

  • Click [Inventory] -> [Component]
  • Double click the component you want to add a measurement to.
  • Click the “Trend analysis” tab.
  • Double click the measurement you wish to add a reading to
  • Select the Readings tab
  • Click the Add New Reading button
  • Fill in the new reading
  • Set the reading date and time
  • Write a comment if desired
  • Click Save and Close

 Note:  Consumption measurement readings have the possibility to enter the ‘Consumption since last’.  Figures entered into this field will automatically fill out the new reading field as ‘Last reading’ + ‘Consumption since last’.

How to enter readings directly in the grid

It’s possible to enter readings for measurements directly into the trend analysis overview grid.  Readings entered here will automatically be registered with the current date and time.

  • Click [Inventory] -> [Trend Analysis]
  • Click the Edit Grid button 
  • The Last reading column will now be highlighted, enter the values accordingly.

How to Create Measurement Groups

  • Click [Inventory] -> [Trend Analysis]
  • Click the Add Root Node button
  • Type a name for the group
  • Click OK

 Measurements can then be added to the groups by dragging them from the upper right pane and dropping them on the group in the structure pane.

How to Compare trends & consumptions

  • Click [Inventory] -> [Trend Analysis]
  • Select the Trend Comparison tab
  • Click the Add Measurements button 

  • Select the measurements you wish to compare
  • Click OK
  • Adjust the date range accordingly

Note: It is also possible to display the running hours for several components within the trend comparison chart by clicking the Add Running Hours button.

Corrective actions for trend readings over alarm limits

When a value is registered that is either above the ‘Alarm max value’ or below the ‘Alarm min value’. The user is presented with a message similar to the following

If the user chooses to continue and leaves the corrective action creation ticked. A ONE job will be automatically created for the reading with today’s date as the due date.  The value of the reading and the alarm limit that has been breached are inserted as part of the description for the job, but users may enter extra text as they see fit.

Readings that have resulted in corrective actions are indicated both in the grid list of readings and in the graphs as shown below

How to Calculate CO2 & NOX for consumption measurements

  • Click [Inventory] à [Component]
  • Double click the component you want to calculate NOX / CO2 for
  • Click the “Trend analysis” tab.
  • Double Click the relevant Consumption Measurement
  • Select the Chart tab
  • Click the button:

    • Set the From & To dates accordingly
    • Click Calculate
  • The consumption in the chosen UOM, the NOX production in kilograms and the CO2 production in metric tons should now be shown for the chosen time period

    Note: An additional function has been added to the voyage module where the user can select two events from the voyage log which will then calculate NOX/CO2 between the two chosen event times for all registered consumption measurements for the unit.

    The NOX / CO2 calculation

    To achieve the desired results from the NOX/CO2 calculation, a number of figures must be in place.

    • Registered Consumption readings both before and after the chosen time period
    • A NOX factor figure
    • A Carbon Content figure
    • An MT Conv figure 

If the user only wishes to calculate consumption, then only number 1 of the above list is required.

NOX Factor:  This a figure which is specific to a piece of equipment and is derived from test data for the equipment.  It basically indicate how much NOX a piece of equipment will generate for a given amount of fuel.

Carbon Content:  This figure represents the amount of carbon in the fuel that is used.

 MT Conv figure:  This figure is used to convert the reading figures to metric tons.  Typically, flow meters attached to engines measure the volume of fuel used by the engine, so this needs to be converted to metric tons.  The MT Conv figure should be used, taking into account both the density of the fuel and the unit of volume that is utilized (for cubic metre readings, the MT Conv figure should be the density.  For any other unit of volume and additional volume conversion needs to be factored into the MT Conv figure)

The three figures presented to the user are calculated according to the following equations

Cons (chosen UOM) = Diff. between consumption readings at chosen times

NOX (kilograms) = Cons * MT Conv * NOX Factor

 CO2 (metric tons) = Cons * MT Conv * 3.664 * Carbon Content

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