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The functions and purpose of the Proforma module

The functions and purpose of the Proforma module is as follows:

Purchasers can set the delivery address to be a "forwarder" (such as Kuhne & Nagel, DSV etc).
When the forwarder receives a delivery marked with an order number they report this back to the purchaser that a package marked with the order number has been received.
The feedback from the forwarder can either recorded automatically (Kuhne & Nagel integration), or manually by the purchaser.
They then can record what we refer to as "Transfers" on the order. A Transfer is simply a record for a package with the order number on, its weight and dimensions.
One order may result in many part deliveries to the forwarder, which
is then recorded as multiple "transfers".

When the procurer wants the forwarder to ship the received "transfers" they can select them and add them to a "Pro Forma Invoice" and send it to the forwarder.
The proforma invoice will contain the "final" delivery address or in other words the vessel's location at the time.

The users on board will receive the order as an normal order, and do not need to worry about the "Pro forma Invoice".

This module currently does not offer any onboard crew functions other than "information" about the shipment.

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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