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New modules and major functions in 2.661

The main new features in the 2.660 version compared to the previous versions are:

- Fleet installer module (Auto Update)

New module for distributing hot-fixes and upgrades to all or specific vessels in the fleet.

If the users have user rights in Windows that allow them to install applications, they can perform the installation process themselves as well. This module will also be available in our lower database versions (660 & 659). More info here

 - Contract management functions

A couple of new functions which allow users to link suppliers and items in new way. Users can for example create contracted prices and use these when ordering from specific suppliers.

- "Order value change" approval function

A more comprehensive way of updating prices which will require an approval from specific users. Activated through a new setting in the order settings.

- Improved Logistics functions

Contains, among other things, a new warehouse reception function which allows users to receive orders as either "Partly received warehouse" or "Received warehouse".

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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