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Failure Report

Configure TM Master v2 to use the Failure Module.

Some configuration is required to start using the “Failure Reporting” module to its full potential.


The Failure Module uses three different code tables. Code tables are used as the source for the selection boxes in the Failure reporting form. The new code tables are found under [Administration] à [Codes] and they are named:

Discovered during:          The values in this list should reflect when the failure was discovered.
                                                I.E.: Maintenance and Mobilization or Operation…

Cause of failure:               The values in this list should reflect the direct cause of failure
                                                I.E.: Lack of Maintenance, Human Error or Poor QC by Supplier.

Operation activity:          The values in this list should reflect the operational activity the failure occurred.
I.E: ???

Failure number setup

Each failure is given a unique number, similar to the order number in TM Master v2. The procedure to configure the “Failure Report” number is also very similar to how it’s done for the order number.
Please be aware that the number must be configured for each individual installation.

To configure the Failure Report number, do the following:

  • Start and log on TM Master v2 with an admin enabled account.
  • Click [System] -> [Settings] -> “Number formats” tab -> “Failure Report No Format”The “Failure Report No Format” form.
  • Select which data field that should be used to identify which vessel the failure report is created for. You can use the “Ship Code, or “Ship Alternative Code” or create a custom value.
  • Select the number of digits of the Year to be used (YY or YYYY)
  • Enter the minimum of numbers the failure report running number should display. If for example 4 digits are entered the first failure report number will be “0001”
  • If desirable a free text can also be included in the Failure Report number. This will make it easier to distinguish what the number refers to compared to other similar numbers (PO no, Voyage no etc.) For example: “FAIL”
  • Select the elements desired to be a part of the “Failure Report” number in the list on the left hand side and click the [à] arrow button to push it into the right hand side list.
  • Please note that a separator (“-“ dash or “/” slash) is required between each element  for the number configuration to be accepted.
  • You can move the selected elements up and down in the right hand list. An example of how the number format will look like is shown below the boxes. If the example is displayed in red, you have not separated one or more of the elements with one of the available separators. 
  • We recommend you to use a configuration that is sortable.  For example: FAIL-BOU-2013-0001
    ([Free text] – [Unit Code] – [Year] – [Running number]).
  • Once the configuration is to your liking, click [Save].

Related additional component information.

When creating a failure report for a specific component, some of the details for the component is included automatically in the failure report. This information can be important later on during analysis of your reported failures. We recommend you to take the time to add this information for the components you will monitor with the Failure Report module, but it is not required. The component details can be found by double clicking a component in the [Component] module. The fields that are transferred to the failure report are as follows.

Warranty expiry date:  This is the warranty expiry date for the component.
(Click the “Inst.Spec.” tab, found in the component detail form, to set the warranty expiry date.)

Component system:  What part of the system
The values available in this dropdown can be edited in the under [Administration] -> [Codes] -> “Component system” code table.

Component Subsystem: ??
The values available in this dropdown can be edited in the under [Administration] -> [Codes] à “Component Subsystem” code table.

Owner: Who is the owner of the failed component.

Ownership type:  This reflects the manner of ownership to the component. For example: “Leased, Rented”, “Borrowed”, “Owned by contractor” etc. The values available in this dropdown can be edited in the under [Administration] -> [Codes] -> “Owner type” code table.

Department: Which department has the maintenance responsibility for the component?

How to create a failure report?

There a two ways to start the creation of a failure report.

  • From the failed component form.
  • Click [Inventory] -> [Components] -> Double click the component that failed.
  • Click the “Failure history” tab
  • Click the [Add Failure Report] button.
  • The “Failure Report Form” will open
  •  From the failure module.
  • Click [Inventory] -> [Failure Reporting]
  • Click the [New Failure Report] found on top left hand side of the top menu.
  • The “Failure Report Form” will open

Enter failure report details.

The failure report form.

No: Once the failure report is saved the Failure report number is generated, and displayed in this field.

Name: Here you can enter a name for the failure. Naming a failure may seem strange but it is meant as a short description for the failure, for easy recognition.

Project number: Here you can enter the project number, for the project the component was part of when it failed.

Time of failure: Select the date and the time for the failure.

Account No: Select the account that any expenses related to the failure will be charge to.

Discovered during: Select the option, that best describe what part of the project, the failure was discovered. The source of the values found in this list can be edited at the office. (Ref previous chapter on Codes)

Cause of Failure: Select the option in this dropdown that best describe the initial cause of the failure.
The source of the values found in this list can be edited at the office. (Ref previous chapter on Codes)

Operation Activity: What operation was the vessel unit conducting when the failure occurred.

Created by: The name of user creating the Failure report, will be entered automatically in this field when the Failure report is saved.

OOP (Out Of Operation): Enter the amount of time the current operation/ project has been delayed due to this failure.

Component: This is the component the failure is linked to. If you started the creation of the failure from the component form, the component is preselected. If the failure report was started from the [Failure reporting] module you will need to select the failed component by clicking the […] button.

Parent component: You can also specify which of the current components parents that have failed. Explaining the purpose of this is best done with an example. Let us say that a light bulb fails on an ROV.
The failure will be registered on the lamp, but since the ROV can’t be used without lights you could say that the entire ROV fails as well. The ROV is considered the parent of the lamp. In this way you record that due to the lamp failure the ROV also failed, and is taken out of operation until the failure is fixed.

Spare part: Not all failures happen due to a component failure, the failure may occur due to a failed spare part, as in the example above (parent component) it is the light bulb that fails, not the lamp itself.
Selecting the actual spare part that failed allows you to record the actual element that caused the failure.

Warranty: Tick this, if the failure is covered by the warranty

The next fields are locked, which means they can’t be edited directly in this form. The information in them is retrieved from the selected component, in the component field above. The fields are Warranty date, Component system, component subsystem, Owner, Ownership type and Department.
(Ref previous chapter “Related additional component information”.)

Description: Enter the general description of the failure

Comments: This field can be used for any additional comments for the failure

Closure Comment: When closing a failure the system will ask for a closure comment, which will be available on this tab.

  • When all of these details have been filled click [Save]. When the failure report is saved, it is given a unique failure number.

How to link jobs to a Failure report?

Usually after a component has failed some kind of corrective action has to follow, this might be done by the crew discovering the failed component, or it might be handed over to someone else. Either way a record for a corrective action to fix the failure can be added to the failure report. Adding a “One Of Job” or a “Service report” to a failure is done exactly as it is done in the component form.

If the failure has already been corrected, or is being corrected, a detailed description of what needs to be done is usually not required, but it might be important to record the job anyway. By using the [Add Service Report] button found in the top menu of the failure form, allows users to add a description of the corrective maintenance directly in to the job history for the failed component.

  • Click  [Add Service Report]
  • Fill in the details describing the work done.
  • When clicking [Save] the record is saved directly to the job history for the failure
    (and component selected as the failed component)

If the corrective action will be done at a later point, a description of what is required to be done can be added as a “One of” job.

  • Click   [Add corrective action] (“One Off Job”)
  • Fill in the details describing the required job.
  • Select a “Department” responsible for the job
  • Set a “Due date”.
  • When done click [Save], once saved the job is stored in the job list both on the failure and on the component selected as failed. The job can also be found in the [Due] list, as any other “One” jobs.

Tip! : If you find that the same job description is used over and over on some of the “One Off” jobs, you can add the job to the “Standard job” list and copy the text from this template job.  To copy the job description from a standard job click the   [Copy Name & Description from Standard job button], found in the “One job” form menu bar. Please refer to the TM Master v2 User manual for details on adding a “Standard Job” description.

How to add items to the items used tab?

The items used tab lists all the recorded as used items on all of the jobs (or history records) linked to the component. It is not possible to add items directly to this tab. To record spare part consumption for a job, the “Items used” tab during “Sign out” is used, this is done exactly like other regular recording of consumption during sign out of regular jobs.

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