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Report Header name is shorter than 3 characters

The below error appears when trying to show and order as a report.

Index and length must refer to a location within the string.

Parameter name: length.


This issue is occurring due to the "report header" name is shorter than 3 characters. The default headers are longer, but it is possible for clients to edit the report header name in the system, and maybe a space or the field no longer is NULL.

If done onboard:

1. Click [Ship] - [Details] - [Settings] - [Order Template]

2. Enter the wanted order header values (ref example)

If done in the office : 

1. Click [Fleet] - [Units] - "Order Settings" - "Order templates"

2. Enter the wanted order header values (ref example)

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Jordan - Fleet T2

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