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My job is to fix the replication. How do I find the problem?

  • Check that the TmMv2Server service is running in Services

  • Check the TM Service logs and the TM Exchange logs. Are they reporting any errors?
    • The TM Service log can be viewed in TM Master v2 under
      [System -> Settings -> Replication -> Service log].
      The service log files can also be found in the [System File Path\ServiceLogs] folder.
    • The TM Exchange log can be viewed in TM Master v2 under
      [System -> TM Exchange Client -> Log].
      You can also enable more detailed logging by going to
      [System -> TM Exchange Client -> Settings] and ticking the box called "Enabled detailed logging"
      The TM Exchange log files can also be found in the [%ProgramData%\Tero Marine\TMExchange\Log] folder on the server.

  • If you need help interpreting these logs, send a screenshot or the actual log file to and we will be happy to assist you.
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  1. Vedran - TM Support

  2. Posted
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