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GDPR and TM Master

For a full GDPR agreement between Tero Marine (Data Processor) and you, the customer (Data Controller), please contact your Account Manager with Tero Marine.

This article will address the GDRP functions within the TM Master software connected to storage of personal data.

Where in TM master do we store personal data?

  • Contacts
  • Crew
  • Orders
  • Jobs
  • Voyages
  • HSEQ

According to GDPR regulations, TM Master must have the option of showing all stored personal data and also deleting them upon a request from the user.

Showing stored personal data

To show all the personal data stored in the database for a specific user, go to Administration -> Users

Open one of the users and click on the "User data references" tab:

This will list all instances of where this user's information is listed in the database.

You can also toggle the option to show log entries in this list or not:

If a user requests this list, right click on the marked rows and click "Copy content to clipboard" and paste the data in to Microsoft Excel.

Delete stored personal data

GDPR regulations also dictate that users have the right to request their personal data to be deleted. To delete all personal data connected to a specific user, use the "Erase user data" button in the toolbar:

Restoring erased user

Whenever user data is erased, a backup is created in the TM Master system file path (the file is encrypted and not accessible outside of TM Master), containing the erased user data. This can be used to roll back the erasure should a mistake have been.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Vedran - TM Support

  2. Posted
