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Catalogue import template

Below is a picture that tells you what every column the template is referencing in TM Master.

Attached is the template to be filled out and imported (File -> Import -> Import catalogs -> 

Remember to save the file as .csv file before importing. 

How to import pictures together with the catalog:

Fill in the file names of the pictures to be imported  in to column O (pic).

These files need to be located in the same folder as the csv file when importing the csv file in to TM Master. If the file names match between the files in the folder and the file names in the csv files, the pictures will be linked to the items.


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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

    Staff –

    Good question Joel!

    I have now updated the article to contain this information.

  2. Joel Jovellana

    How can we show pictures/images of Catalog items in bulk?

    When we imported the CSV files it has references to .JPG files and we uploaded the pictures to the Consumables folder (there is no Catalogs folder in our office installation).

    But it is not showing the pictures/images.