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Non Conformance

Non conformance (NC)

Module:           Inventory

Function:        NCR

Handle pending NC on standard jobs

Once a critical job is overdue, it becomes a pending NC (an issue), and needs to be  handled

within a number of days (as defined in “Codes” - “Critical category”), or it will become a NC.

◊    Double click on the pending NC in the lower pane

◊  Enter the consequence for that the job has not been performed

◊  Click on “Print report”

The status is now changed to Pending NC Reported

The next step is to perform the maintenance job and sign it out as usual. The status of the job will then be changed to  Pending NC handled 

The final step is to finish the Pending NC

◊    Double click on the “Pending NC handled” job

◊    Click on the Close pending NC button 

◊    Click the “OK” button to confirm that you are aware that this action cannot be undone.

Handle non conformance on standard jobs

If the pending NC has not been handle within the number of days defined, it becomes a  Non

conformance. To process to handle the NC is as follows:

◊    Double click on the NC

◊    Give a deadline for the job to be done

◊    Enter the consequence for that the job has not been performed yet

◊    Click on “Print report”

The status changes to “      Non conformance reported”. 

The next step is to perform the maintenance job and sign it out as usual. The status of the job is then changed to  Non conformance handled”.

To close the Non conformance:

◊    Double click on the non conformance

◊    Click on “Close NC”

◊    Click OK on the message that this action cannot be undone

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

  2. Posted
