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Implementor Function for updating component jobs (Multi Update)

Within the TM Master V2 system there is a function for updating several component jobs at once with values for several different fields.  This is only available for implementor users but is intended for other purposes in addition to implementation.  This tool could be used to effectively tidy sets of values on active component jobs as part of a standardization process.

This function is available in both the Fleet ->Due module and the Maintenance -> Due module.  In both cases from the right click menu.

  • Select Maintenance -> Due
  • Set the appropriate date & settings to run a due calculation, or tick all jobs and click Refresh.
  • Select the Component jobs that you want to update and right click.
  • Select the Multi Update option
  • The Multi Update window appears…

  • Shown In the picture below (within the red rectangles) are the check boxes which activate the updating for each field.  With the exception of the due fields, just marking one of these check boxes and then clicking the ‘Ok’ button will result in all data being deleted from the appropriate field on all the component jobs that have been selected.

  • There are three additional check boxes (class job, Date interval, Hour Interval) corresponding to the same fields on the component jobs.  These need to be activated for adding, or left blank for removing the values on the component jobs.

  • For all fields which you wish to update, tick the check box next to the field you wish to update and select/enter the value that you wish to update the selected jobs with.

WARNING:  This function simply overwrites the existing values with the values that you enter into the multi update tool.  No other adjustments/calculations are made as a result of the changes (for example, just updating the interval will not automatically affect the due date)

  • Click ‘Ok’
  • The component jobs will now be updated accordingly, click refresh to check the results.

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

  2. Posted
