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Description of Risk Analysis Documents

In the TM Master V2 system there is a function for attaching Risk analysis documents to any Component specific maintenance routine (Component Job).  This automatically restricts the process of completing those jobs in the maintenance system until the user has confirmed that they have read the documents.  The risk analysis/assessment process which produces the content of the documents should be undertaken externally to the TM Master V2 system.

The risk analysis documents can be any format (pdf, word, excel etc.), as long as the appropriate program is installed for opening them.


The first stage is to set up the appropriate risk analysis documents in the central list which is split into two panes -  centralised risk files (available to the fleet) and local risk files (specific to the vessel).  When adding a file, a description can be added as well as a revision date.  Any files added here will be available to add to any component job.

The next step is to find the Component Job that you would like to attach the document(s) to, open the details window and select the Risk Analysis tab.  On the left hand side of the toolbar you will see the button for adding risk files to the job.  Clicking this will open the list of available risk files

Once selected, the risk file will be added to the list in the upper pane

Once a risk file is attached to a component job it is not possible for the user to utilise the “Job Done” button until his/her name is listed in the middle pane (Users qualified to do this job). 

The user’s name is added to the list by clicking the “Confirm” button on the right hand side.  On doing this the user is presented with a question

If the answer is yes then the user’s name will be added to the list.

This ultimately means that the job cannot be signed out by anyone who has not confirmed that they have read and understood the attached risk files.

The user will then have a time limit of 7 days to complete the operation of signing out the component job before their name is removed from the list.  If a new document is added to the list, or the current one is revised for this particular component job, then the list of names will be deleted and the user will need to confirm again.  As soon as the component job is completely signed out, the list of users is again deleted.  This means that the confirmation process must be carried out every time the component job is due to be performed.

In the lowest pane of the risk analysis window is the list of events for the risk analysis.  This can be used to log comments or events associated with that particular job in relation to the risk analysis content.  These events can be categorized using the incident type drop down

All Component jobs that have risk files attached to them are marked in two different ways.  Firstly, there is a column in the due grid called “has risk files”, which can be used to easily sort or find all component jobs that have risk files attached,

And secondly, as soon as you open the detail window for a component job which has risk files, a message is shown in red text at the top of the General tab

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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