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I have just installed the system. How do I start using it?

After the installation is complete and database is imported, you can log in for the first time as:

User: Administrator
Pw: a

You can then go to Administration -> User groups and create user groups with permissions. More info here

Detailed description of each user right

Then you can go to Administration -> Users and create users and make them members of the already created groups. You can find further instructions on how to do this this by reading this article

We recommend creating individual users per user instead of a user per crew type. Different actions in TM are logged by the user name, so if the user name is for instance "2nd Engineer" and you have two or three 2nd Engineers on your vessel, you won't know for sure which one performed the action.

As always, if you need any more information on this, you can just create a new conversation with us by clicking "Start a conversation" in the upper right corner of the customer area. 

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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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