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Implementor function for setting start dates

Within the TMMaster V2 system, there is a built in function for setting the start date for all jobs attached to a component or alarm.

This is usually used in connection with a new build vessel.

This function sets the due dates of all the relevant jobs to the chosen date plus the interval.

For example:

If I select just one component/alarm and set the start date to 01.01.2014 and all the jobs have an interval of 6 months, then all the due dates will be set to 01.07.2014.

For this function to be available, the user must have the implementor user right.


In List view –

  • mark the components you wish to set the start date for
  • right click and select ‘Implementation’ à ‘Set due start date for jobs’
  • choose the start date and click OK


    using this function in the structure view will set the start date for the component you choose and all other components that are children of that component.  So to set the start date for the entire list of components means you only have to mark all the top level components (or systems as we normally call them) and then activate the function.


    • mark the Alarms you wish to set the start date for
    • right click and select ‘Set due start date’
    • choose the start date and click OKWARNING:
      This function will set all date based ‘ONE’ type jobs (corrective actions) to the date you choose as they have no interval.  It is therefore a good idea to have the relevant interval written in the description of those jobs before running the start date function.
      NOTE: In connection with this function, it is also possible for an implementor to adjust the due date of a job to a later date without the need to postpone it.
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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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