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Implementation/Database building

This section describes the different functions in TM Master v2 that are useful when making large changes to a database or building a database in TM.

  • Data update through Microsoft Excel

    From time to time, Tero Marine experience that users require to perform a mass update of their TM Master database with data that originates from external sources, like Microsoft Excel. For this reason...

  • Catalogue import template

    Below is a picture that tells you what every column the template is referencing in TM Master. Attached is the template to be filled out and imported (File -> Import -> Import catalogs ->  Remember to ...

  • Implementor user

    For a user to be allowed to use the implementor functions such as editing component directly in the grid, using the multi-update tool in the due list, setting start due dates for jobs, moving jobs and...

  • Implementor Function for updating component jobs (Multi Update)

    Within the TM Master V2 system there is a function for updating several component jobs at once with values for several different fields.  This is only available for implementor users but is intended f...

  • Implementor function for Moving Component Job History

    Within the TMMaster V2 system, there is a built in function for moving component job history from one component to another.  This should not be confused with the ‘Move Jobs’ function. The Move history...

  • Implementor function for Moving Component Jobs

    Within the TMMaster V2 system, there is a built in function for moving component jobs from one component to another with the associated job history. A circumstance where this is of use is, if the user...

  • Implementor function for editing in the grid, Components & Alarms

    Within the TM Master V2 system, there is a built in function for editing component data directly in the grid.  This function is only available in the ‘Component List view’. This function enables the u...

  • Implementor function for setting start dates

    Within the TMMaster V2 system, there is a built in function for setting the start date for all jobs attached to a component or alarm. This is usually used in connection with a new build vessel. This f...

  • Implementor function edit standard job

    It is possible for an implementor to edit the standard job description directly in the Component job details view. This is to save time for those building new vessels, so that the implementor does not...

  • Implementor function 'Class Job'

    As an implmentor is it possible to set a job as a class job (on a class component) directly from the ‘Jobs’ tab of the component details view.  The function is listed on the right click menu in this v...