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SNAPS integration - Settings

The SNAPS integration settings are set under System -> Settings -> General:

In the lower right hand corner of the window is a tab called "External PO settings where one of the choices is "SNAPS".

When this is selected, you can choose whether you want the export from TM to include the description to ShipNet and also the maximum length of symbols.

Below this setting is another setting called "SNAPS export type". This setting determines when the export from TM -> ShipNet is to be done.

  • Standard: Automatically sends updates continuously to ShipNet all the way from the "Approved Draft" status to to the "Finished" status in TM
  • TMPO_Manual: For use with the old separate TMPO application. A button is used to manually export data to ShipNet from TMPO
  • TMPO_Automatic: For use with the old separate TMPO application. Automatically sends updates continuously to ShipNet
  • OnOrder: As soon as the order is set to status "OnOrder" in TM, the order is exported to ShipNet
  • AfterOnOrder: As soon as the order is past the "OnOrder" status in TM (i.e: Order confirmed), the order is exported to ShipNet
  • Manual: A button is used to manually export orders to ShipNet
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  1. Vedran - TM Support

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