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How the average running hour value is calculated

The formula for the running hour average is as follows.

Average running hours : (LRHAvrg * 0.4) + (LRHDiff / NDaysSLE * 0.6)

LDRHAvrg = Last Weighted Daily Running Hour Average.
LRHDiff = Last Running Hour Difference entered.
NDaysSLE = Number of days since last entry

As you probably see this “average” is not the real average but a weighted one (or a “moving average”). This is done In order to make the daily average responsive to changes in use.

For each entry the system calculates the mean between the existing average and the new entry’s average. The new entry’s average is weighted 60% and the existing 40%. This way, newer readings will have larger impact on the mean value. This makes the mean more responsive to changes in day to day usage. Which again, lead to a more correct representation of the components current usage, than with the use of a normal “average”.

As you can see in the example below the “real” average = 5,19 but since the use of the component has dropped the last 60 days, the weighted average reflects this much faster at “0,83”. The more entries added to the system the more unresponsive the real average will be to changes.

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